Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Dangers of Traveling...with Me!


noun, often attributive \vā-ˈkā-shən, və-\
: a respite or a time of respite from something 


\ˈres-pət also ri-ˈspīt, British usually ˈres-ˌpīt\
: an interval of rest or relief

Those two definitions do not go hand-in-hand in the Kasey Lee book of travel (and there is a book, an ever-growing book!). I've actually had people comment "I don't think I would enjoy vacationing with you." That doesn't hurt my feelings though. I know their wariness isn't because I snore at night, or sit in the hotel room and order pay-per-view, or pack 7 bags of luggage that I expect someone else to haul around. It's because my vacations are not a time for relaxation, napping, and recouping. My vacations are a veritable marathon of fun, new experiences, learning, and sightseeing. So if you just want to spend a week not moving from a beach towel spread beneath a beach do not want to go to the beach with me!

Most places I visit I know I will probably never see again. No matter how much I love a place, there's always something new to see, somewhere else. So when I am on vacation I try to pack in as much as possible. This means no sleeping in, no time to primp; just get up and get out the door. Early mornings in turn mean no late nights at the bars (except for that one time in Nashville!). If I'm going to be up late, it has to be something worthwhile (a late show, an attraction that closes late, etc.). I realize that exhaustion eventually sneaks up, and then it's just plain time for a nap. An hour nap. Then back up and out!

Another facet of my vacations is walking...lots and lots of walking. Touristy areas charge to park, and they often charge a lot. So if I can reach it from my hotel without taking the car, we're walking. If we can park once and then leave the car for the rest of the day, we're walking. Sometimes we might be walking in the wrong direction for 2.5 miles. It has happened. I also have a habit of making a lot of sudden stops when I'm walking, mostly to snap a photo. So you really can't walk behind or in front of me (or we'll crash or you'll lose me). Just be ready for me to stop without any notice.

I also don't care how hot or cold it is. Or if it's raining or snowing. I'm not wasting a day inside...short of a hurricane or ya know, a tornado. I find the mind can overcome all sorts of weather if it's distracted by something interesting. If there are inside things to be done, then that's great...but if not, grab your umbrella. I went to the desert when it was 108 degrees, and rode rides in Disney World when it was below freezing.

Vacations with me can also be a tad expensive. I don't stay in the Ritz, or eat at Ruth's Chris, but I love new experiences, even if I have to pay for them. Parasailing, swimming with dolphins, ziplines, taking a ghost tour, horse back riding, petting a lion, snorkeling, renting a bike - all things I've paid for on vacation. Sometimes it's something planned and paid for ahead of time, sometimes it's spur-of-the-moment, out-of-the-pocket. I almost always find it well worth the cash (or let's be honest...worth the charge on my credit card). 

So if you want to run yourself ragged, sleep less than normal, walk til your feet cramp, and stand in a thunder storm, while having a great time full of new experiences that you'll remember for the rest of your life...then a vacation with me is a great idea. If you want to spend a week not moving, catching up on three month's worth of sleep, and avoiding the crowded tourist spots...then you want to be vacationing with the rest of the crew who doesn't want to leave town with me.

How about you? Do it all, or do nothing on vacation?

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