Monday, October 28, 2013

Travel Essentials

Everyone has certain things that they can't leave without when going on a trip. Of course things like phone chargers, socks, a book...but there are some things that make travel easier that you might not think of. Here's what I always like to have when I travel.

Empty Laundry Bag -
If your'e staying at a hotel you can usually grab a plastic laundry bag out of the closet and throw your dirty clothes in it. But to always have with me, I use a fabric bag from a dollar store. Keeps my clean clothes away from my dirty ones, and makes unpacking much easier. Laundry bag straight to the laundry room!

Hobo Bag and/or Wristlet

If I don't need to carry much beyond cash and my phone then it's wristlet time. 
If I'm out and about in the city for the day then I ditch the purse and the wristlet for a hobo bag. It fits all my stuff, plus any little things I buy that I don't want to carry around separately. I'm less likely to set a hobo bag down and lost it if the strap is across my body, plus in large crowds I can move it to the front of my body to keep an eye on it.

Wisps -
These little water-less toothbrushes are perfect for overnight flights. If you really didn't want to get up and go to the bathroom, you could actually brush your teeth in your seat. They give you just enough freshness to feel a little human again during a long haul - by air, sea, or road.

Headphones -
The reason is fairly obvious, but I go for headphones instead of ear buds because they block out more background noise, especially on a plane. But whatever you're using to hook up and listen, bring your own. Some airlines still charge. Plus, even if you don't want to listen to music or watch tv, headphones can save you from a chatty neighbor.

Bandanna - 
There are a ton of good reasons to have a bandanna around. If it's hot outside it makes a good forehead mopper, ya know, for sweat. Bandanna's are easy to tie around your wrist if you don't have pockets. You can use it to tie back hair, or as a headband. If you were really desperate you could use it to make a tourniquet. Or rob a bank (not advised). Maybe create a make-shift, literal hobo bag. Sky's the limit.

What do you always have to pack??

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